Sinatra_Z - Mengingati kembali

Dah lama aku tak menulis,
nah cubaan karya terbaru.

Mengingat Kembali

Rahman memperhatikan cermin meja di dalam biliknya,
rambutnya yang semakin menipis dan mukanya yang kelihatan lesu.
Walaupun sudah hampur 20 tahun yang pasti badanya masih belum dapat biasa lagi dengan bermandikan air sejuk di pagi hari.

Rahman memandang ke dalam cermin terlihat Rahmah tidur di atas katil, diikuti dengusan dan dengkuran yang perlahan. Dipandangnya wajah isterinya yang sedang tidur itu, hatinya hendak mengomel sedikit namun akalnya menjawab

"kau pun berdengkur jugak."

"Routine" perkataan Inggeris yang bererti sesuatu yang berulang-ulang. Selama hampir 20 tahunlah perkataan "routine" ini merupakan paksi kepada kehidupan Rahman. Bangun pada pukul 6 pagi, keluar rumah 6.20 pagi, kalau lewat sedikit pasti akan lewat ke pejabat. Perjalanan melalui lebuhraya persekutuan dan jalan-jalan yang sama. Tiba ke pejabat dalam lingkungan 6.50 pagi, tidur sebentar untuk sejam dan masuk kerja jam 7.58 pagi.

Minum kopi, meluluskan belanja, makan pagi, semak kertas kerja, tandatangan surat, mesyuarat-mesyuarat, kesesakan pulang ke rumah, mengelak motor mencelah-celah, yang pasti bila tiba penghujung bulan, bayar bil bayar hutang, beli belah di Pasaraya Tesco. Dengan isteri dan anak-anak, beli beras, barang dapur, sabun basuh baju, shampoo....

20 tahun, masa berlalu, dan untuk sebentar di hadapan cermin itu Rahman terhenti terkaku.

20 Tahun, macam tu hidup aku.

Dipandang wajah isterinya, cuba diingat kembali namun pagi itu seolah-oleh hilang di ingatan Rahman wajah isterinya ketika mereka mula berjumpa. Seolah tidak boleh percaya yang suatu masa dahulu isterinya itu seorang gadis universiti. Tidak boleh diingat pada pagi itu, bagaiamana isterinya suatu ketika dulu, seolah-olah sejak dari azali isterinya itu telah menjadi seorang makcik, yang pergi pasar tani pagi sabtu, beli emas untuk hari raya, memesan kuih dan langsir sebelum puasa.

"Sejak bila aku bercinta dengan dia?"

Rahman melempang dirinya sebentar, mungkin malam tadi silap tidur urat lari, itu yang pagi ini otak tepu sedikit. Tapi yang pastinya isterinya sudah jauh berubah dari anak dara pingitan menjadi makcik cikgu sekolah.

"ah sudahlah, aku pun bukan kacak mana pun." Rahman mengingati dirinya apabila dia memandang ke dalam cermin.

Seperti biasa semana-mana 20 tahun sudah berlalu, keluar rumah tepat pada waktu, tunggu lampu isyarat, lalu lebuhraya sama tidur sebentar di luar pejabat masuk 7.58 tepat. Barangkali inilah dia kehidupan seorang tukang kira-kira (akauntan lah tu) semuanya boleh diberi angka. Integer, nombor nyata dan tiada nombor khayalan punca kuasa dua negatif satu.

Telefon pejabatnya berbunyi, boleh diagak waktu begini pasti ada yang bertanyakan adakah cek untuk pembelian barangan telah diluluskan oleh pihak keuwangan. Rahman selaku ketua kira-kira mengangkat dan bersedia dengan jawapan biasa akan tetapi hari ini, tidak seperti hari-hari sebelumnya, "routine", kebiasaan, pengulangan bukanlah perkataan-perkataan yang akan menjadi paksi tiang kehidupan Encik Rahman hari ini. Hari ini sesuatu yang baru akan berlaku...

"Encik Rahman ehmm.. Encik Rahman dah lupa ke dengan apa yang kita cakap di mesyuarat hari isnin tempoh hari? Ada dapat memo saya tak?"

"Memo? Ni siapa ni?"

"Sayalah, Mat Lazim dari HR, kan Datuk Mazlan ada cakap haritu yang Encik Rahman akan bantu dalam projek kasturi tu. Haa ini dia staf baru kita ni dah sampai pagi ni."

"Ahh.... Oooh ye, maaflah pagi ni saya tak betul sikit, silap tidur kot. Takpelah nanti saya datang ke sana jumpa dengan dia. Ini yang akan jadi Consultant kita tu kan?"

"Ah ye lah tu, ok saya tunggu Encik Rahman sampai."

Rahman menuruni tangga belakang sambil menegur selamat pagi kepada dua lagi rakan pejabat yang sedang menghisap rokok. Pejabat keuwangan di tingkat empat, terasing sedikit almaklumlah nak jaga duit. Berbeza dengan pejabatnya di sini adalah lebih sedikit meriah dengan perbualan gossip-gossip dan jenaka ringan di pagi hari.

"ah sampai pun, ok ini dia saya kenalkan dengan orang yang akan awak kerja dengan. Ini dia Encik Rahman Daud, dia ini lah ceti kirotang, memang cukup cekap dalam bab-bab mencari duit."

"apa khabar Encik Rahman, saya Iliyana Iskandar awak boleh panggil saya Yana." Berkata "consultant" itu sambil menghulurkan tangan.

Rahman yang kemudian berjabat tangan seolah-olah menerima ganguan elektromagnetik apabila tangannya bersentuh dengan kulit yang lembut, matanya seolah-olah terkena pancuran elektron berlebihan terkaku melihat wajah ceria, rambut sedikit berwarna yang panjang takat bahu berombak sedikit. Bajunya yang padan cantik kena dengan gayanya, tak terlalu mengada dan tak terlalu bosan, kena dengan gaya, professional. Dengan dandanan yang sepadan, tidak berlebihan macam cat rumah atau lukisan Rahman terdiam dengan tangannya kaku sebentar...

"Eh pandai betul dia ni padankan diri dia." Bercakap seorang diri di dalam hati.

"Err Encik Rahman..."

"Oooh maaf saya pagi ni memang tak betul sikit, urat lari kot." Baru Si Rahman sedar yang dia tidak melepaskan jabatan tangan itu.

"hahahaha urat lari ke terkejut di pagi hari" Mat Lazim melawak.

Rahman yang terkaku dan agak malu dengan kelakuan yang tidak disengajakan tadi cuba untuk mengubah keadaan... Ehmmm....

"Ok Mat, saya ni nak kena selesaikan sikit isu cek-cek pembelian ni boleh tak awak bawak Iliyana kenalkan dia dekat yang lain, nanti dalam pukul 10 kita jumpa dekat "finance" dan bincang mengenai projek kasturi ok."

Dan kemudian Rahman bergegas tanpa pandang ke belakang.

Senyap sebentar di kerusi hitamnya sambil mengadap kerja-kerja cek yang sebenarnya tidak wujud (alasan semata-mata) Rahman termenung sebentar...

"Apahal tadi tu? Macamlah tak pernah tengok perempuan. Aiii apa kena lah dengan aku pagi ni, semua tak kena isk, ok ok fokus."

Baru sahaja hendak menaip ke dalam lejar komputernya Rahman tersenyum sedikit...

"Macam nampak matahari terbit pun ada.... Atau pelangi lepas hujan."


Ye, nampaknya,
hari ini memang sedikit lain.

Mungkin urat lari kot, mungkin salah tidur, tapi yang pasti perubahan ini membawa sedikit senyuman kepada Rahman.


Sinatra_Z - A reply

Sorry fellow readers,
it's just that I have been rather busy this week to not much update from this cockroach. But I have something that we all could ponder upon. Recently there was an article on Sin Chew and featured in Malaysian Insider

The title -
‘Useless’ Chinese dailies need direction from Malay publishing group?

Written by -
Tay Tian Yan

you can read it here

To which i commented -
written by Zaidel Baharuddin, June 27, 2009
I disagree,
Malay editorial groups should not write or start nor run a Chinese newspaper.

This is Malaysia,
Why should we even have a mandarin based newspaper. This is not China, how can we have a Bangsa Malaysia if "Malaysians" don't even want to use Bahasa Malaysia.

Instead of sniping and cynically remarking Malay vernacular editors why not Sin Chew and others write everything is Bahasa Malaysia. That way everyone can read your newspaper and understand you point of view.

I mean you complain about the Malay dailies and their readers of not understanding the "Malaysian Chinese" community yet you write your frustrations, ideas and issues in a language that only your group of people would understand.

It seems to me,
people only want Bangsa Malaysia only if it is convenient or beneficial to them. I mean how Malaysian can you be if the NEP was abolished yet at the same time insist on reading Sin Chew at home, watch Astro Dragon package on TV, goes to a vernacular school, work in a single race based companies, listen to a mandarin radio show with songs from Hong Kong and only use the national language during government official paperwork (even that has mandarin translation).

Intergrate lah a bit, mingle.

You want Malaysians to understand your frustrations then write in Bahasa Malaysia lah....

And I got this for a Reply -

written by Aries, June 28, 2009
I wonder if Zaidel Baharuddin has any Chinese friends, or if he really mingles with non-Malay friends with ease and comfort?

If he doesn't, then he just have to eat his own words as above!

He would then probably be a typical Malaysian Malay racist, who could not comprehend whatever that is beyond his own backyard, let alone the multi-ethnicity, multi-religiosity, multi-culturalism, pluralism that define Malaysia.


tsk tsk tsk ......

Merely asking people to write in the National Lanuage so that people too can understand and read the same thing as well makes you a racist. Let me stand corrected a Malay Racist.
Even talking about integration and pointing out very obvious fact makes you a Malay Racist.

I guess that is just the Norm these days. The popular thing to do you know. Malaysian is equal to being less Malay. The lesser the better.


Sinatra_Z - An Observation

One thing I notice about the Malay politics.

An UMNO supporter no matter how loyal he is,
from the very start he has accepted that his leader is Imperfect.

On the other hand,
The PKR or PAS supporter from the very start he has accepted that his leader can never be imperfect.

My general assessment.

Feel free to disagree.

Sinatra_Z - Malaysian Insider

My Very first article for the Malaysian Insider

Check it out yeah

Sinatra_Z - Fakta-fakta Menarik

Selamat Berkerja di hari isnin.
Untuk tidak mengundang kontroversi ingin saya terangkan yang semua yang ditulis di dalam blog ini adalah dibuat di rumah dan bukan di waktu pejabat.

Harap Maklum.

Fakta-fakta menarik...

Fakta I

Tom Yam adalah sejenis Sup yang berperisa masam dan pedas. Biasanya dicampurkan dengan sayur-sayuran dan makanan laut, Tom Yam merupakan makanan orang Thailand.

Tapi tahukah anda bahawa walaupun Tom Yam adalah makanan orang Thai, terdapat lebih banyak Restoran Tom Yam di Kuala Lumpur berbanding di Bangkok.

Fakta II

Tahukah anda orang Pataya sendiri tidak tahu bagaimana hendak memasak Nasi Goreng Pataya.

Fakta III

Sekiranya anda pergi melancong ke Bandung dan pergi singgah makan di restoran di sana, anda akan dapati yang mereka tidak menyediakan Mee Bandung. Sekiranya anda memesan Mee Bandung kepada pelayan hampir pasti dia akan mengatakan yang mereka tidak jual makanan berkenaan.

Dan tahukah anda juga sekiranya anda memesan Air Sirap Bandung anda mungkin akan mendapat keputusan yang sama.

Fakta IV

Kalau anda ke Pulau Jawa, samaada Jakarta atau mana-mana bandar lain dan teringin untuk memakan Mee Jawa anda singgahlah ke mana-mana kedai makan dan memesan Mee Rebus.

Mee Jawa tiada dalam menu, Kalau anda pesan mee rebus anda dapat mee jawa.

Fakta V

Adengan ini pernah berlaku di salah satu restoran Tom Yam di Hulu Kelang.

"Dik sini ada buat ikan kukus tak?"

"Ika kukus, ooooo takdo beh, kito tok masok ikan kukus sini."

"Ooh ye ke... hmmm.... Siakap masak Stim ada?"

"Ahh Siakap Stim ado. Sekor be?"

Dan ini berlaku lama sebelum PPSMI diperkenalkan di Sekolah-sekolah.

Fakta VI

Dulu pernah aku pesan dekat pekedai tu

"Dik bagi saya kopi ais satu."

Pelayan tu pun jawab la "Kita tak buat kopi lah dik"

"Nescafe ada?"

"Ahh ada...."

"Ok Nescafe ais satu."

Nescafe tu bukan kopi ke?

Fakta VII

Untuk menunjukan kehebatan barangan jualan beliau, seorang jurujual pernah menyatakan kepada saya

"Abang, kalau abang tak percaya abang cuba try test."


Semoga fakta-fakta menarik ini akan terus memperkayakan dan memberi manafaat kepada pagi anda di hari isnin ini.

Selamat Mentelaah dan Selamat Berkerja.

Sinatra_Z - Catatan Seekor Lipas - 1 year on.

In UTM I had a roomate...
His name was Mohd Siraj,

When Siraj is annoyed by someone, usually a friend of ours he would say this...

"Mulai sekarang ko ialah Lipas!"

What Siraj does is that if someone is annoying him while he is playing DOTA or watching a heart throb teary eyed Japanese Drama (In which he will never admit that he is crying) he would block out that person from his reality. In other words whenever Siraj says that to you it means that as for now you are nothing but just a cockroach that is insignificant, annoying and has absolutely no face value to him at this point of time. By that he can continue to do whatever he was doing.

Which comes to this.
When people heard of my blog many would get the Idea of a lonely cockroach who is searching for his life companion. A sort of a place where a single lonely guy rambles about things. In which then several awkward statements would come out to me like

"Isn't there any girl that you know.." or "I am pretty sure there is someone out there for you."

Yes... Thank you for that painful but thoughtful statements. YES I GET IT! LONG TIME AGO!!!

You see at first I wanted it to be as, but it was taken. So as an alternative i pick on Lipassepi.

Lipas = Cockroach - Insignificant annoying pest.

Sepi = Lonely or Silent/silence.

Lipas Sepi - A silent cockroach.

After march elections, I came to the conclusion that it was these cockroaches, the insignificant nobody that decided to teach the government a lesson. And I was one of the cockroach who before had no voice and the only way to vent out the frustration was by voting.

So Lipas Sepi was meant as a place where the once Silent Cockroach can have his voice.

Catatan Seekor Lipas (Notes from a cockroach) on the other hand is basically about insignificant writings or stories written by insignificant person. You know mundane stories. Lets just say that this place is a mixture between this two.

Basically what you are reading here are merely...

Insignificant things written by an Insignificant person.

But then again,
sometimes these insignificant things are they very things that can be the very definition of life. There are many treasures hidden in between the mundane, boring and insignificant events of our lives. It's just that we missed it. We were to busy worrying about things we can't control.

So now this Insignificant blog is one year's old.

I know that there aren't many of you out there.
But nonetheless I thank you for spending some time in reading the insignificant things written in here.

And for his blog's birthday,
En Lipas would like to make some wishes......

may there be more stories to be written,
more things to learn,
more friends to meet,
more events to witness,
more time to ponder,
and may he be wiser,
and may his stories make you smile,
make you think and make you wonder,
and that maybe just remotely maybe,
that these insignificant writings,
would somehow make your day,
just a little better,
and it would make it all worth it.

Thank You for reading.


Sinatra_Z - Cerita-Cerita Pendek

Cerita I

Mat Kassim dari jabatan keuwangan telah membawa pelajar praktikal @ "Industrial Trainee" ke pejabat dan mula memperkenalkan aku

"Haa kalau ko nak tau inilah dia jejaka ayat power ofis ni.."

"Ye apa khabar"

"memang dia ni cukup player lah. Mantap lah ayat, memang tip-top lah.."

"Ohh mestilah, aku kan kassanova pimp, memang banyak hati gadis-gadis yang telah aku kecewa."

Cerita II

"So what do you do during your free time?"

"Mostly I am quite active in my NGO."

"Ohhh so what does you NGo do? Nature, charity or something?"

"Yeah we do both, charity and activities. From helping out someone who needs money for an operation to donating prosthetic legs. We also take notice of local issues like roads with holes and that sort."

"Ohh interesting. What's it called?"

"United Malays National Organisation"

"Ahhh, so what it's like a charitable volunteer NGO sort of thing?"

"Yeahh you could say that."

Cerita III

troot troot.... troot troot....


"Wei ko ko kat mana?"


"Ko sibuk tak sekarang?"

"hmm.... lebih kurang la?"

"ko buat apa la?"

"Aku sekarang tengah baring-baring, kejap lagi aku akan guling-guling dan garu-garu, petang sikit munkin aku nak pergi berak."

"Huu sibuk gila tuh."

"Biasalah, aku kan artis."

Sinatra_Z - Battle Political Rap!!

So yeah I saw this posting in Jiboneus -

He was talking about freestyle rap or hip-hop battle. In case you're wondering what the hell is that well here is a snippet -

Freestyle rap are rap performances with improvised rap lyrics with few or no previously composed lyrics. Of the top of one’s head, rap composition done on the spot.

Freestyle rap battles on the other hand, is a contest in which two or more rappers compete or battles each other using improvised lyrics. Their goal is to ‘diss’ their opponent through cleverly crafted lyrics. In other words, whoever is more creative in insulting their opponent wins. It’s like jousting with poetry

Taken from

So I have done poetry and creative writing but never Rapping. So tonight I think I might try it but unlike the usual insult and your momma, I am going to do it with a somewhat local flair. Battle Rap on Politics, oh yeah. So it'll be like the BN rappers versus the PR MC's. SO I will try my best in insulting PR in the most lyrical manner, nothing personal just rapping for fun yeah. Free free to answer me back.

So here goes....

Kami Rappers yo! Yak ak au~~

Yo yo wassup this is Zaidel B,
your tip top hip hop number one MC,
standing up here for the world to see,
calling all the bull shit yeah thats me,
so don't be surprised that im gonna phat,
rhyming, jumping, rapping all that,
so sit back chill out and open your ear,
cause politics without spin is what you gonna hear..

Yo whats up with all the September sixteen,
the prime minister what was the man shoulda been,
all confident and gung ho with 30 names he hit,
turn out all the thing was huge bull shit,
and all the zombies was all excited,
history in the making was all debated,
and when it comes and no shit nothing happen,
my man those zombies had premature ejaculation.

And yo whats up with hanging out under the tree,
chilling out under there and it's democracy,
i've been doin that shit all this while,
with a bowl of cendol, rojak much more in style,
and i aint think it's right in naming democracy,
you should name the damn thing the Faggot Tree,
which fits so well with you dear old leader,
who prefers to get down kinky with a fellow brother.

A few months back you were all excited,
calling daulat tuanku wearing yellow paraded,
PAS boys were fanboys of harunsani,
like knights against anyone who critic the dear mufti,
and when things don't go on your way,
suddenly all the shit you do abruptly sway,
You think lying down on the road throwing stones and brick,
supposed to get back to think doin the trick,
the shouting all shit letting rakyat decide,
i didnt hear you hollar the shit when Bota jumped to you side..

man it was funny when you go all with the drama,
shouting my god they're dragging sivakumar,
the video show that the dude was throwing a tantrum,
like a five year wannabe old man in an asylum,
I saw the whole shit man they were way too nice,
i would have slapped the bugger still it wont suffice,
and what with the hunger strike shit it was funny,
3 days only...??
Hunger strike all right.. Wussy!
and half way through when people start talking,
oh wait nizar ain't hunger striking,
he just fasting,
man what's the point of hunger strike if you ain't dying,
i know ya'll wearing black supposed to look all mean,
but man if you ask me that's just Drama Queen.

calling yourselves voices of the rakyat,
and spinning all the principles like kalari payat,
you got all angry at the mainstream media and newspaper,
but you doing the same shit in fact your better,
no wait this is different from september sixteen,
we dont steal we just ask nicely and come all clean..
So you know what we all kinda tired,
with all the crap that has transpired,
listening to pidato and have an erection,
so I think I had enough of ceramah and by election...

So this is me a battle rapper,
i said rapper not raper,
so yeah I invite my brother and sister,
if you dare come on and hit me back harder,
I just flamed your politics own the drain,
with my wicked rap and my rhymes insane,
so this is Zaidel B now leaving the lot,
come man lemme see what you got!

Ohoo boleh tahan aku BErapping, mengalahkan 4U2C tuh!

Sinatra_Z - Fikiran, Percakapan dan Perbuatan... Doa

Sambil berborak dengan kawan dan minum segelas air limau nipis timbul satu soalan ni..

"Eh macamana ko boleh kahwin awal ah, mana kenal isteri?"

"Oh aku kenal dekat bank."

"Habis tu ko memang dari dulu nak kahwin awal ke?"

"nak kata rancang tak laa, tapi dalam otak, macam "subconcious" memang ada la selalu terfikir nak awalkan. Itu yang tuhan tunjukan lah kot."


Ada pepatah yang mengatakan,
Kalau kita sebut sesuatu perkara itu lebih dari 40 kali, ia akan jadi doa.

Sesungguhnya apa yang kita fikirkan sentiasa,
perbuatan dan percakapan adalah doa. Kalau kita asyik bercakap mengenai yang kita ini miskin tak henti-henti kemungkinan Allah akan mengabulkan doa kita. Kalau kita asyik berfikir tentang kita ni lemah maka Allah makbulkanlah, itu yang lemau aje memanjang.

Tapi ingat,
kalau kita asyik ingat yang kita ni sentiasa betul dan orang lain semua salah, silap-silap nanti tuhan makbulkan doa kita. Bukan bererti kita memang betul tapi digelapkan hati sampai kita yaking sepenuhnya yang kita ini betul dan dunia itu semua bohong, dusta dan salah. Jangan sampai Ego menguasai mata hati.

Ingat tak dulu lagu Thomas Cup..
Engkaulah apa kau fikirkan, terkandung dalam pemikiran....

Orang yang berfikiran baik, maka benda baik akan sering tiba kepadanya.
Orang yang sentiasa berfikiran buruk maka benda buruk akan sering tiba kepadanya.

Sering ye bukan sentiasa,
jangan lupa kadang-kadang Allah saja nak uji kita. Janganlah cepat melatah.

Tapi fikiran yang baik saja tak cukup. Kena buat.
Kalau nak benda baik datang kenalah niatnya baik, cakapnya baik dan perbuatanya baik.

Jadi kawan aku pun tanya aku balik..

"hah ko ni apa cerita?"

"aku ni jangan kata ada calon, kalau ada calon pun, aku rasa lepas 30 baru aku sedia kot."

Patutlah..... Dah makbul rupanya.

Itu yang macam ni tu.

Padan Muka Aku.

P/S -
Cubalah baca buku "The Quranic Law of Attraction" kalau minat laa subjek ini. Kalau sekadar nak buat fikiran, lipassepi dah cukup.

Tengoklah, mana tahu nanti En. Lipas nak tulis buku. Niat dengan cakap je tak guna, kena lah buat kan.

Sinatra_Z - Adengan Drama Swasta


Lokasi - Di tepi kereta mercedes dekat bangunan pejabat yang kosong, biasanya berhampiran kawasan Taman Melawati. Area Sakura Kristal sana, tengah hari selalu kosong terutama hujung minggu senang shooting.


"Kenapa you buat kat I macam ni? I bukan a simple minded girl tau!" Bentak Diana.

"Apa you maksudkan. I tak faham, what is all this?" Tanya Farid

"You jangan nak cuba Act like nothing happened. I tau you jumpa dengan Nafisa kelmarin."

"What's wrong with that? I bukan buat salah, we are just friends, kawan je."

"You tak faham my feelings ok, you ingat I senang-senang tengok you dating other girls?"

"Kenapa you ni cemburu buta sangat, I am not a mat rempit you know, suka-suka je main kaut bohsia mana ntah. This is Nafisa I know her since kitorang sama-sama belajar kat England dulu."

*Nota penting - Kalau dalam drama swasta belajar mesti dekat tempat yang meletup, lagi omputih lagi bagus macam dekat England ke, United States ke apa ke. Kalau cakap kitorang sama-sama belajar kat USM dulu atau KUITTHO atau Kolej Inpens ke nanti macam Spoiler pulak.

"hah just friend konon, mula-mula kawan lah, teman lah lepas tu teman tapi mesra. You ingat I would just stand by and let that perempuan mana ntah goda you!"

"I tak boleh terima semua ni, you janganlah buat I stress tak tentu pasal ni. No diana No!"

Farid menaiki kereta dan beredar.

Adengan II

Lokasi - Dalam ruang pejabat (pun dekat kawasan Taman Melawati jugak sebab nak jimat sekali harung)

"Datuk, ini dia fail berkenaan projek 28 juta bersama dengan Kasturi Holdings."

"Thank you Nadia, you dah set appointment dengan Datuk Norhisham berkenaan golf game next weekend."

"Sudah Datuk, I dah booking dekat course yang Datuk Mintak hari tu."

"Bagus Diana, bagus, I nak you tahu yang pertemuan ini penting. I nak gunakan masa ini untuk membincangkan mengenai pembelian Saham Melati Holdings yang bernilai 38 Juta itu dan project import antara syarikat kita."

*Nota - Mesti ada adengan perniagaan, mesti ada datuk, mesti cerita tentang transaksi berjuta-juta dengan projek meletup. Takkan kita dengar dialog yang berbunyi macam ini..
"Diana macamana dengan shipment Daging Unta dua marhalah dan Botol Minyak Biawak Dab dari Saudi itu?"

Macam biasalah, secretary mestilah hot.

Adengan III

Lokasi - Pun Taman Melawati Jugak, dekat rumah tuan direktor, Jimat kos.

"Daddy tak suka Diana berkawan dengan Farid tu."
(Daddy lah, barulah datuk punya family. Abah karang macam orang kerja kerajaan)

"Look what's wrong with being friends."

"Daddy tak suka dengan si Farid tu."

"Kenapa Daddy? What's wrong with him?"

"Ahh daddy tak percaya dengan dia. Dahlah muka macam penagih dadah campur mat rempit."

"Jangan mengarut la daddy, mana ada penagih dadah gemuk. Lagipun mat rempit kat selalunya kurus sebab dia naik 125Z dengan RXZ."

"Ahh Daddy tak kira, ada jugak apa penagih dadah yang gemuk, yang hisap ganja tu bukan semuanya slim. Lagipun dia boleh jadi Mat Rempit yang bawak TZM."

"ahh Diana tak kira, Diana nak be friends with him, it's my life."

"Ah siot betullah ko nih, Daddy ni Daddy diana tau, bukan pelayan restoran mamak boleh suka-suka je menolak. Ah nak pergi mana tu, Diana!! Ah itulah dia anak awak cakap sekali menjawab 8 kali. Pantang tegur terus blah. Itulah awak manjakan dia sangat, tengok, dia buat macam saya ni eksekutif Multi Level Marketing!"

Adengan IV

Lokasi - Pondok telefon dekat corner depan Kedai Basikal Sun Ming Fasa 6 Taman Melawati. Perbualan seorang lelaki atas motor dalam telefon.

"Sayang you dah makan ke?"

"Makan apa?"

"You masak ke?"

"Ehh mak masak? Kenapa?"

"I teringin laa nak makan masakan you.."

"Alaa janganlah macam tu."

"Sayang-sayang.... sayang kan sayaang kat sayang. Tapi kan sayang, sayang sayang tak kat sayang? Sayang taknaklah buat cinta sayang satu hala je."

"hah kahwin?"

"er.... eh kejap tak cukup duit sen laaah, kejap ahh mana ni... click."

Hamtuih punya jantan.


Sinatra_Z - Limiting SPM Subjects.

Recently the Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin suggested in limiting the number of subjects in SPM. The suggestion is to limit it to 10 subjects and the core subjects are down to four compare the previous six. This way a student can opt for more elective subjects depending on their interest. Not all can agree to this, for instance Dr Khir Toyo believe that in limiting SPM subjects it would also limit the potential of the student. You can read more about it at

I on the other hand agree with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Like PPSMI I think limiting the SPM subjects may have more benefit than the open cert system.
Actually this issue is not something new, as I notice that lately the trend is that students try to get as much A’s as possible so that they can get in the front page of a newspaper.

Of course I am not denying the right for a student to be the best as she or he can be. By all means I am fine with that. Nor am I pissed that I couldn’t get that many A’s (I am after all a product of the SPM open cert system).

At first it was all fine, I mean we all took subjects that we wanted and some of which we were interested but were not in the package (I took economics but I am in science stream). But then kids starting to go for 15 A’s and 16 A’s and even up to 19 As. I blame this to the girl who got 16 A’s and started to appear in Astro ads, after her all the kids would target as much A’s as possible so that they would get into Astro ads as well.

The thing is I don’t think this trend is healthy. Seriously, look if a kid gets 4 As out of say 10 subjects and the subjects that he did well was Math, Additional Math, Physics and maybe chemistry then I know exactly where he should be or where his interest is in. The same goes with someone who gets maybe just 3 As, just 3 but it’s in English, Malay and Arts. This kid should fit in Liberal-Arts. But when someone who gets As in Malay, English, Pendidikan Islam, History, Math, Add Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics, Accounts, Mandarin, Arts, Tamil, Engineering drawing, Music, Islamic philosophy and Literature I would go like uhmm….. What the hell do you want to be? A Mechanical Engineer who makes home made medicine while travelling along China and Southern India and in the mean time write a philosophical book to record the journey with lots of drawings in it?

You know, its not that I am jealous or trying to belittle this sort of achievement. But I believe that many of you out there agree with me when I say wait this is just too much or even weird. I want a student to get an A in a certain subject because he or she are very much interested in that subject and not for the sake of just getting an A.

Things get worse when some teachers tend to push their students to do this for the sake of making the school more popular. Well come on when the kid gets 23 A’s I am pretty sure they are going to mention the school thus higher funding in the future.

Notice that they usually write a motivational book after achieving the impressive amount of As. It’s like it was all planned.

If there is one thing that I learn in Uni is that SPM results do not necessarily translate into success in college life. Especially to those who don’t really know what they want to do. Just because one is capable of getting an A in math that doesn’t mean they are interested in becoming a mathematician. One of my course mate quit Engineering to pursue a degree in music. These days society and PARENTS yes PARENTS demand that they must get as much A as possible. The danger to this is that we would create a bunch of students who are very good at answering tests but not at thinking.

Tons of tuition classes and workshops out there which offer things like “Soalan Spot SPM” in which they teach the students to anticipate what would come out this year. Students would frantically study as hell and would vomit out everything that they memorise to the test paper.

Don’t we ever wonder at why we can have so many students with stellar results in SPM yet produce so few scientists or technocrats that are of high quality. There’s a saying used that Asians would get Deans list on the first 2 years in an American university but falter in the next 2.

I say that let’s limit the number of subjects one can take in SPM, make it 10 for non muslims and 11 for muslims (because of Pendidikan Islam). This way it is less stressful on these kids and more time for them to excel in extra curricular activities. To make sure that quality surpasses quantity we should opt for more project based marks and merits yet increase the difficulty in the test papers. Make the subjects more advanced one could say.

In conclusion, we do want student to do the best and exert their capability but not for the sake of glamour or school reputation. We need to get rid of this “Kiasu” mindset and not simply produce students who are good at answering test papers. We want students who are critical thinkers, who knows that they want and actually love the subjects that they choose.

So I say let’s start it from here and figure out the rest as we go along.

P/S - I am pretty sure there are some grammatical and spelling mistakes in here but be assured that It's 1.30 am now and I am not bothered to do the corrections. Maybe later.

Sinatra_Z - Updates

1) I got a twitter -

2) Saw KJ and Nik Nadzmi debate at IIUM. Was Impressed by you know who and Nik Nadzmi wasn't that bad at all.

3) Gombak folks show their support as well which is good.

4) Recovered most of my lost sleep

5) Decided that maybe it's time for me to lost weight. Ideas would be helpful and wish me luck.

Wow I haven't written anything in 5 days.... Not bad.

Sinatra_Z - Siri Bercakap dengan Tommy Sky dan Ekmal

That night Soh (Tommy) was inhaling large amount of Sisha smoke.
Whenever Sisha is involved Soh would always get somewhat Philosophical.

It's either the Tea, the arabian carpet, the chicks on the next table or just large amount of Carbon monoxide.

Soh bersama gadis tidak dikenali. I told you he was straight.

But that night he was a Philosopher...
I mean if Greece had Socrates then Malaysia has Sohcratis.
After blowing a large puff of smoke...

"You know... Love is like playing Chess...."

"Apa kejadahnya ko ni SOh?"

"I mean right.... playing the game of Love is like playing the game of chess."


"You see right when you play a game of chess, you are so concentrated in it that you don't realise your surroundings. What happen around you. You are so concentrated in winning sometime you don't see what other people see. That's why people, the audience usually see the mistake that the chess player does and not the chess player himself. Many times we can see the mistakes the chess player makes when we are the spectator and not see it when we are playing it. It's the same with the game of love, sometime you need a third person to see the things you cannot see."

Bloody hell he starting to make sense....

Untill I got thinking.

"I agree yeah but for a completely different reason. The game of love is like a game of chess is because like chess, the queen dominates the whole thing while the king is pratically hopeless."

Alas Soh is not the only Philosopher friend that I have. Meet Ekmal. (Ikmal Halim Jahaya)
Ekmal like Soh is also a wise person.
Like Soh Ekmal is still single too.
Because being Wise is not sexy.
Wise = Yoda, Gandalf dan The turtle in kungfu panda. Not Sexy.

Plus Ekmal is also a brilliant ConSultan when it comes to love. They call him Mekanik Chenta.

Ekmal ahli falsampah yang tersohor.

For it is Ekmal who coined the term Hampagas.

eg . "Ah siot la ko ni memang Hampagas"

Hampagas defenition...

"Kecil hati" leads to "Sakit Hati" leads to "Sedih" leads to "Keciwi" (kecewa kecil) leads to "Keciwa" leads to "Hampa" and ultimately leads to "Hampagas"

Eg. "Sejak Ramlan Carbonara putus Chenta dia memang seorang yang Hampagas."

Hampagas - Tahap kekecewaan yang terlampau mengalahkan Tapir.

Hampagas can also mean inactive/lazy/boring/slow/sedentry

eg. "Pemalas sampai tahap Hampagas"

Thesaurus for Hampagas - Gas Nadir, mencapai kestabilan oktet, tidak reaktif, ketenangan dan ketenteraman abadi, lemak paus dan tapir masak asam.

I know I know it's a little lame.
But hey tonight I feel Hampagas. So this is the best I can come up with.

Sinatra_Z - Update


Bacalah kalau minat.
Kalau tak tak payahlah pergi.