I'm trying to finish up my TMI article so no stories for your monday blues.
But nonetheless here is some random thoughts I had during the weekends.
On Writing -
When I write I would sleep late = less sleep.
In a way writing is detrimental to my health.
But hey, I like writing and I consider it as an indulgence, like chocolates or cigars to some. Thus indulgence is always bad for health no?
On Son In Laws
Once there was a blogger who declared war on UMNO because of Pak Lah and his Son in Law thus using the nickname kickdefella. He then joined PAS and became a huge fan of Nik Aziz. Now kickdefella got kicked by the fella he least expected, Nik Aziz, because of his confrontation with Nik Aziz's Son In Law. Life is ironic isnt' it.
On Singing
I'm not a singer, I'm a crooner. Go google crooner.
On Prime Minister.
Zaid Ibrahim proposes Nik Aziz to head Pakatan Rakyat. Does this mean Anwar Ibrahim is not going to be PM if PR wins? Hurricane Hattie of PR strikes again.
On Subtitle
Saw Mahathir's documentary on History Channel, they interviewed a bunch of people including Lim Kit Siang. Apparently they only subtitled Lim Kit Siang. Kesian. I mean his english is not that bad what, maybe got slang a bit lah.
On being an 'artis'
Saturday went crooning at Superstar karaoke and sunday went to Celebrity Fitness. Ahh so Glamour likat that. Macam artis. hahahaha.
On Selangor
Anwar declared war in Selangor to combat UMNO's plan to retake the state. You know instead of declaring war in Selangor how about PKR proves it's worthiness by governing Selangor which it has yet to do.
On matters of the heart.
Someone said that we should be honest to our heart. I say, people are always honest to their heart it's just that people usually are not honest to the person who they have heart for.
On Pall Mall
Pall Mall Cigarettes apparently means Peluk Abang Lama Lama Membutakan Abang Lemah Lesu.
That's all folks.
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
Good one bro! Muahahahahaha
Si Terpijak Lipas
Bro, ko tulis sebab marah dan dendam terasa "dikafirkan" oleh pemimpin PAS lantas tulisan ko jadi senget sebelah dan berbau sikit hancing.
"PAS paling kukuh kewangannya" .. gua senak perut Bro dengan kenyataan nih.
Lebih daripada itu, ko berhujah macam telor tak cukup rebus beb. Satu ketika ko sedar diri tak tahu hukum, alih-alih ko ulas pasal Hudud lah, pasal Negara Islam lah dll.
Jadi aku ingat nak pesan2 lah kat ko bahawa sama ada UMNO atau PAS, sebab masing2 tu dakwa sebagai penganut Islam maka sebaik-baik mereka - mereka bukan malaikat, seteruk-teruk mereka - mereka bukan setan.
Islam terlalu syumul untuk dibandingkan dengan politik, apatahlah politik yang diamalkan di Malaysia nih.
Ko kena tengok orangnya Bro!
Salah artikel lah ko komen.
Tapi bab paling kukuh keuwangan memang betul, sebelum menang pilihanraya tempoh hari pun keuwangan PAS memang paling kukuh sekali atas dari derma ahli-ahli mereka. Itu yang mampu beli ibu pejabat dekat Jalan raja laut dan sebab tu kalau nak diikutkan masa Pilihanraya umum 2008 Jentera dia mantap. Macam masa Bersih jugak.
Ko ni,
Puji marah kutuk Marah. Apalah marah-marah sangat.
Bagilah hujah balas, kalau main kutuk-kutuk je apa barang.
"Someone said that we should be honest to our heart. I say, people are always honest to their heart it's just that people usually are not honest to the person who they have heart for"
awww - here goes another fav quotes frm u to me. :)
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