Munculnya Mat Sentul
Toraa datang lagi dengan pensel semat,
Yeaaaaaaa (kanak-kanak)
Lihat pensel semat ini ianya boleh menulis atas meja
Yeaaaaaa (kanak-kanak)
Dan ianya boleh gantung....
Waaaah (kanak-kanak)
Pensel semat, belilah TORAAAAAAA
Batuk? Minumlah ubat batuk cap kelapa laut africa
Ubat batuk cap kelapa laut africa melegakan batuk dan kahak.
Ubat batuk cap kelapa laut africa melegakan batuk dan kahak.
Rancangan Ultraman ini dibawa oleh
Wafer Coklat Waf Pang!
Nini cokelat celop, celop-celop, Nini Cokelat Celup, celup celup rasa enak sekali
kacang strawberi, NINI.... NINIIIII.........
Choki-choki enak sekali choki choki adik gemari....
Ini kisah seorang anak yang duka nustapa kerana ibunya batuk.....
Kemudian diserahkan demi kebaikan sejagat..... Ubat batuk cap Ibu dan anak, kebaikan tradisional untuk batuk dan kahak.
Nano nano nano nanooo nano nano nanooo nano nano nanooooooo
Baju baru ke?
Bukan baju baru.... Fab baru....
Hei nasi goreng, hei sungguh lazat,
sungguh enak sungguh lazat digoreng dengan perencah adabi.
sungguh mudah sungguh cepat digoreng dengan perencah adabi.
Minum Milo anda jadi sehat dan Kuat!
Mari-mari tuan dengar ini cerita,
suami saya asyik balik awal saja,
ada pembantu baru katanya pasti dia perempuan muda.
Kan abang dah kata Axion namanya,
Axion ke Azean tunjukan saya... Alaaah sebelum ini teruk abang mencuci... Secolek saja minyak tanggal segera... muda 3x dijamin muda...
Azean ehhh Axion KUJAMIN MUDAH!!!!
Rock rock rocky 1...... Rock rock rocky 1............
Maafkan kami kerana membuat jemputan kepada Tuan secara am seperti dibawah:-
Yang berbahagia Dato/Datin/Tuan/Puan/Saudara/Saudari,
Dengan segala hormatnya kami memaklumkan bahawa kami akan melancarkan portal “Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS)” di
Kami menjemput anda untuk melayari laman web tersebut selepas Sambutan Merdeka 12tengahmalam pada 31 Ogos 2009. Anda dipersilakan untuk melayari tab “e-patriot”
di mana kami telahpun menyenaraikan laman citra anda di bawah senarai “e-patriot” (“Patriots displaying SSS Logo”). Kami ingin merakamkan rasa penghargaan kami yang tidak terhingga di atas sokongan anda terhadap Kempen SSS ini apabila anda telah mempamirkan logo SSS di laman citra anda. Terima kasih di atas sokongan berterusan anda terhadap Kempen SSS ini.
It is our honor to inform you that we will be launching "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS)" portal at
Please visit the website after the 12midnite Merdeka celebration on 31 August 2009 and check out the "e-patriot" tab
We have listed your blog site under the "e-patriot" list (Patriots displaying SSS Logo). We wish to record our utmost appreciation for your support toward SSS campaign by displaying SSS logo at your blog site. Thank you for your continuous support toward the SSS campaign.
Terima kasih.
Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua
Because Chinese race is a superior race than a inferior malay race.
Chinese race vs malay race -
Skin - malay race is much blacker.
Brain (IQ) - malay race is much more low.
Face - malay race is much uglier.
Height - malay race is much smaller.
Physical ability - malay race is much more inferior.
Such truth may know you too who is a malay race.
All thing is because a malay race is very inferior than a Chinese race.
Pukimak punya melayu anjing berotak babi.
Kalau betul2 semua Cina India balik ke negara masing2 lagi senang bagi mereka bomb malaysia terutamanya semenanjung.
Selepas semua kaum Cina India balik, Cina India kerajaan boleh hantar berjuta2 askar Cina askar India & atomic bomb bagi hapuskan semua melayu anjing tanpa seekor pun hidup.
Lepas tu 'kaum melayu' tidak akan wujud lagi di muka bumi dan buku sejarah.
Yes. Every human have a working brain except malay, even the malay itself agree. Malays are stupid, lazy and idiotic. Malays are the most stupid human race ever exits.
Of course Chinese is way smarter and more superior in every fucking way compared to a retarded malay. Chinese is a world race, a race with pride, with a great history and civilisation, we are hardworking and clever, every country lead by Chinese is strong and rich.
This is not self compliment but prove can be seen at Taiwan, Singapore and China. China has an economic growth so fast it has never happen in any other country before. Even the Americans agree.
What is malay? Malay is just a tiny piece of cow dunk left over in this earth. No one like malay. Do not agree? Show me which country lead by malay is well developed?
Hahaha. Malay should be left for extinction from this world as they are a bunch of stupid retarded lazy asshole.
What's up with those 3 idiots? Jorang baca topic apa ni sampai melalut yang bukan2?
I nak mencarut kat jorang ni tapi puasa, takut batal pulak. Sia-sia je
Teruskan menyiar komen2 seperti yang dibuat oleh "CoolMan" "Vesewe" & "Fargoman"....
Itulah sifat-sifat mulia dan terpuji yang ada dalam hati 'superior' mereka....
Tak payahlah kita membalas balik, sebab ia akan menjadikan kita yang 'inferior' nie naik taraf ke 'superior'...
Terima kasih
sangat setuju,
janganlah menjadi beruk bila berdepan dengan beruk
oh my!Being a chinese myself, I'm truly ashamed by those remarks against malay. Peeps, my guess you were referring to the 'cowhead' incident, but please have some sense into your mind. Does that concluded all Malays are such person? These people are fanatics and they justified their reason simply in the name of Islam. Please check your fact does ever Islam condone tthis kind of act?
Nobody is better than anyone else
Wohoho..their English...sounds like the product of SJKC!!
Man,this is tiring but if I have to explain to this dumb ass racist apeks once again:
NO, you are not really *white* as you think,the gwailos and the rest of the world would call your color-YELLOW and No!No!No!its not a compliment either! Tan,as in brown,is a more preferred and sophisticated color I'm afraid :)
Yet I prefer the china amoi especially the model that sell mp4 player.
Check out the one that sell cube h600hd. This one:
MUST BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wah mantap blog nya mak cik..
selling mp4 or selling boobs?hahaha abes pahale pose aku
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