SO yeah folks,
me and Jiboneus (of lanched this new portal called or W//W (our superhero logo). Basically it's a place where we write about the latest trends and news in and around the internet with a slight focus on Malaysia.
The Idea floated when we noticed that TmNet began censoring certain sites via streamyx and after the Internet Blackout in Egypt me and J thought that it would be great if there was a place or at least a group that monitors these sort of things.
We decided to call ourselves wirawanweb which when translated to English means web warriors to signify the concept of a Keyboard Warrior i.e a person who is immensely loud in forums and comments sections but rather timid in reality, just kidding.
Anyway do drop by and I will be posting updates of my writing there via this blog. Check out my first posting over here
Oh and to be clear, it's a bilingual portal so yeah.
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