As the wind blows through the opened sliding door, caressing through the walls and waltzing around the hall, like a perfect dancing partner a sweet tingling sensation of the violin caresses the ambience...
Hamzah Dolmat and Keroncong,
sadly in the days where music is judged by what is seen rather than what is heard, this legendary Malay violinist shall never be known except by the obscure few who insists on listening to songs serenaded by those who are long gone.
As he sits on that black leathered sofa, a rather muscular feature that stands out in this soothing surrounding, he lights his pipe...
"You do realise that thing can kill you..."
With his eyes duly concentrated in making sure that he gets an even burn on the tobacco....
"My answer to this rather incovinient fact that you just mentioned is just as same as my concern towards your marital status..."
"Which is?"
"I don't really care"
salam kenal bang..
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